Harvesting Lilly of the Valley plants. (© Knot II Bragg Farm 6/19/2020)
Immediately you would have thought of the Hawthorn tree - this is for long term healing of the heart.
However the plant that makes an immediate difference is the Lilly of the valley.
Here's some information that will help you identify the plant as well as the reason why you want to get to know this plant.
However be well aware that this is no ordinary plant and caution must be used when working with it.
The flowering part and the roots perform as a natural form of digitalis however the leaves are poisonous - contact an experienced herbalist for the right dosage and appropriate usage.
As an Herbalist of 50+ years, I want to educate the general public on the magnificent natural apothecary we have surrounding us in Northern Maine. This plant is just one of the hundreds of medicinal plants that we walk on and around on a daily basis.
Only the flowers are harvested
The leaves are not harvested, they are poisonous.
Sometimes the bloom hides from us, sometimes we bring them out for a peek.
The tincture.