08-03 | Printed Copy of The Planks of Health. |
Natalia Bragg of the Knot II Bragg Farm is a 50+ year practicing herbalist. After having read 3,000+ blood chemistry reports, over decades, a pattern formed. She discovered that in all of the reports there was no person with a serious illness that was either lacking one or all of these 4 planks of health. The Planks of Health (AKA the Four horsemen) were developed by Natalia in 2002. The Planks of Health is a description of the basic items needed for maintaining good health. After administering these three vitamins and a mineral you could actually see good health return to each of her clients.
$1.50 |
UPDATE: We have been having a technical issue with our ordering platform that should thankfully be RESOLVED now. Please call us if you experience any problems placing your orders, and thank you so much!
Knot II Bragg Farm
Products Guide
From the wilds of the North country in Aroostook County, Maine, I am delighted to introduce you to some of nature's oldest blessings and to help you understand that nature holds us all gently in the palm of her hand.
I am a founding member of the Aroostook County Herb Association, and a 50 plus years as a practicing herbalist. I am pleased to share with you some of my family's herbal traditions.
Please use discretion and have the wisdom to know that not every formula works for everybody. Although my family uses all the formulas and I teach the making of them, you must consult a licensed practitioner if you have a problem.
This catalog is not designed to diagnose, treat, or prescribe in any way. The Knot II Bragg Farm or myself personally will not be responsible for your experience in using them. This catalog is meant to be a pleasant introduction to the power and beauty of the natural world around us. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer and thank you for allowing me into your life circle.
Natalia Bragg, The Knot II Bragg Farm
2012 Product Guide